Otaku U Rule: Cosplayer of the Month May 2013

As a Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune Cosplayer, it is another journey for me to joined again in Cosplay Contest. I joined in Otaku U Rule: Cosplayer of the Month May 2013. This is the 3rd time around I join in Otaku U Rule Cosplay Contest. The first picture I submitted was Michiru Kaioh of Sailor Moon S in Mugen Gakuen School Uniform Summer Version. Second, Annie of Space Sheriff Shaider. And now, Michiru Kaioh of Sailor Moon S in Mugen Gakuen School Uniform. Please support my cosplay photo entry. Just visit Otaku U Rule Page and like my picture or just click this link http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=525537610838017&set=a.525303444194767.1073741858.124127820979000&type=3&theater Thank you :) -HaruMichi Collectibles: Michiru Jackson - MJ Official Page : Michelle Jackson-Thandar - Deviantart: http://michiruplanet.deviantart.com/ - WorldCosplay: http://worldcosplay.net/member/MichiruJackson - YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/MichelleJacksonThandar -...