Sailor Neptune

I’m just ordinary person and my only dream is to become Michiru Kaioh. I care not about what people said that being Otaku was weird. Actually, I’ am proud to be Otaku and I admit that I learned so many things in watching anime and reading manga online. Last Saturday, 25 th of May 2013 The National Cosplayers of the Philippines including myself was contacted a Photoshoot for a Cause at Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife, Philippines. The purpose of this project is to raise fund for the students of House of Refuge located at Parinas, Project 8 Quezon City. Fortunately, I’m pretty happy for being part of this event and I admit that I can’t wait to see my pictures from different respected Photographers. In fact, I always brought a camera with me because capturing attractive views and interesting things are one of my damn hobbies. Here are some pictures captured last Saturday… Photographer: Maria Ryuzaki Photograp...